For God and Fatherland. Dedicated to priest Alfonsas Lipniūnas (1905–1945), spiritual leader of Lithuania’s youth, martyr of Stutthof concentration camp, hostage of the nation. By folk artist Rimantas Zinkevičius. Erected in 2017.
Monument to priest Juozas Zdebskis. The priest, whose word encouraged thinking, getting oneself free and developing the personality. By Adolfas Teresius. Erected in 2016.
Monument to priest Bronislovas Laurinavičius.God’s word was more important for him than the power of the state. By folk artist Kazimieras Martinaitis. Erected in 2016.
In memory of Monsignor Alfonsas Svarinskas. Starlit hours spent in the fight against the occupant and the enslavement of the spirit of the nation. By folk artist Kazimieras Martinaitis. Erected in 2015.